Project Team
Rak, Renate, Lucie, Elliot, Işik, Milan, Mara, Sara, Christoph, Sem, Ashok, and Leon
Rakhyun E. Kim
Principal Investigator
Rak Kim is the Principal Investigator of PROBLEMSHIFTING, and Associate Professor of Global Environmental Governance at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University.
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PhD Researchers
Ashok Vardhan Adipudi
PhD Researcher
Ashok Vardhan Adipudi is a PhD Researcher within PROBLEMSHIFTING. He holds LLB (Hons) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and BTech (Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. His research interests include network structures and optimization in global environmental governance, complexity and law, and institutional interplay in multilevel governance structures.
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Işık Girgiç
PhD Researcher
Işık Girgiç is a PhD Researcher within PROBLEMSHIFTING. After her graduation from Université de Tours with a bachelor’s degree in law, she obtained an LL.M. degree in Public International Law from Utrecht University with a specialization in international environmental law and international law of the sea. Before joining PROBLEMSHIFTING, she worked as a junior researcher within the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea. Her main research interests include regime interaction under international environmental law, law of international institutions, and ocean governance.
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Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow